#Project Presentation

Lapte md - CRM system for tracking milk transportation

Launch date: November 2023

About the service



Analytics and design, design, frontend and backend development of CRM from scratch, integrations, project development

Launch date

November 2023


The concept of Lapte md helps farmers sell their dairy products.

The CRM system helps the business owner track the movement of products at all stages from farmers to laboratories and factories. Monitor milk indicators at every stage.


Provide the most transparent and detailed tracking of the purchase and transportation of large volumes of milk, from farms to dairy laboratories and factories.

Solution #1

Creating a CRM system platform with the ability to register and authorize several people, different positions.

Authorization takes place in two steps:

  1. Entering a phone number
  2. Entering OTP code received via SMS.
Solution 1

Solution №2

Development of functionality for viewing the list of users,...

Solution 2

...adding new users,...

Solution 2

...as well as the functionality for assigning "roles" .

Depending on the role, the user has access to certain functionality)

Solution 2

Solution #3

The CRM system automatically calculates the general indicators of the milk mixture:

  1. Assembled by one transport
  2. Saved at the factory
  3. General deliveries
Solution 3

Solution #4

Loading invoices into the system for electronic archiving and remote transmission.

Import/Export reports.

Solution 3

Solution #5

List of suppliers, functionality for adding new ones, as well as editing current ones

Solution 1

Solution #6

Generating an individual QR -code for each milk sample.

Solution 6
Solution 7

Solution #7

The system keeps track of working vehicles:

  1. Description and other details of transport
  2. Assigning a driver for a certain transport

How the workflow works

Distribution of roles in the system

Collects milk from farmers, enters data into CRM, delivers to the plant
Checking invoices and data entered by the driver in CRM
Picks up samples from the driver/receiver on the plant premises and delivers them to the laboratory
Laboratory Assistant
Changes milk sample values, enters current values ​​into CRM
Controls completed work and generates reports

Creates and edits the list of cars, edits user data

Creates tank mixes from driver mixes

Views lab test results for milk sold by him


Driver processes

Milk bottle

Driver processes

Add new\ milk\ collection

When the driver arrives at the next farmer to collect milk, he clicks on the button “Add new milk collection”.

A form is displayed in which he enters all the necessary data about the collection. The CRM system calculates some of the data automatically.

Milk bottle
Phone drivers
Milk bottle

Creating a milk sample and QR

Add new\ milk\ collection

After receiving milk from the farmer and filling out the form, the same milk is collected in a separate bottle for further analysis in the laboratory.

A unique QR code is generated by the CRM system and given to the driver to print on the portable printer, and is glued to the bottle.

Mobile QR
Phone QR
Milk bottle

Driver processes

Photo/scan of the invoice

The farmer and the driver sign a paper invoice, which indicates all the details of the current milk collection.

The driver uploads this paper invoice to the CRM system. To do this, he clicks on the “Add a photo of the invoice” button

Phone Documents
security security

Security processes


The security guard selects the registration number of the vehicle in the CRM system and the CRM system displays a list of collections that the driver of the corresponding vehicle has made for the current day.

A photo of the invoice for the current collection taken by the driver will be displayed next to each collection.

The security guard checks the paper invoice and indicates whether it matches the photo or not.

courier courier

Courier processes

The courier delivers samples from the driver to the lab.

In his In the CRM system account, the courier enters the sample ID and marks it as "Delivered to the lab".

The CRM system records the status and time.

courier courier

Laboratory assistant processes

Laboratory assistant processes

Measuring samples and entering data into CRM

The lab assistant scans the QR from the bottle with the sample, a form opens in which he enters the measurement data (fat, protein, water, temperature).

Phone Documents

Laboratory assistant processes

History of personal measurements and their details

The CRM system saves a list of previous measurements by the corresponding lab assistant.

The system also allows the user to view details of previous measurements.

Phone Documents

Laboratory assistant processes

Importing a document to CRM

The laboratory equipment allows you to automatically save data and then export it to a document, after which this document with the indicators is imported to CRM.

Phone Documents

Manager processes


Manager processes

Control of entered indicators

The manager has access to the history of entered indicators for each driver, lab technician and courier sample in his CRM account.


Manager processes

Getting driver results

To display the driver's result, the CRM summarizes all acts surplus/shortage for all collections of the selected driver for the desired period.

manager icon

Receiver processes

The receiver pumps mixtures from the tanks of several vehicles into a tank at the plant.

As a result, a new mixture is created in the CRM system, its theoretical indicators are calculated and a QR code containing the ID is created. A sample of this mixture is sent to the laboratory.

manager icon

Farmer processes

After logging in with your phone number and password, the farmer can view the laboratory's analysis results for his milk.


Automatic CRM system calculations

In each process, at each stage, the CRM system automatically performs additional analyses and displays "surpluses/shortages".

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